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Showing posts from October, 2018

Gavin Manerowski | What are the Tips To Gain Weight?

Gavin Manerowski | To gain weight it is essential for you to increase your calorie intake week-by-week, increasing it slowly over a month’s time. According to experts, you must add 100 calories to your everyday intake until you increase the consumption to 1,000 or more calories a day.

Guide You about Body Building Food

Food is an essential source of nutrient to live a healthy life. Indeed. The kind of food we consume determines many things including muscle development, metabolism rate, and weight changes. It shows that whatever we consume has a direct impact on our bodies.  Moreover, if you are someone who is fitness freak and loves to work out, whether at home or in the gym, look out the kind of food you eat as it could affect the achievement of your goal for working out. Let’s explore a few healthy bodybuilding foods with Gavin Manerowski. Eggs Eggs are one of the best bodybuilding foods, as they contain essential amino acids. Amino acids are necessary for rebuilding muscles and healing. Everyone knows that eggs are a good source of protein; without protein, a body will begin to break down its muscle. So, those who are trying to gain muscle, make sure that the body does not break down its own muscle by eating foods that are rich in protein. And make sure that the eggs are refri...